
186-5318-5971 135-8318-3828



信息来源: http://www.hqldsb.cn  时间:2019-2-9 14:48:33 

The cooling tower is a special equipment for cooling water by air. But the cooling tower can only control the temperature at ambient temperature, the water temperature is high request of the factory, machine with cold water to cool down, and saline water machine series, you need to supply with cooling tower of circulating cooling water.
In addition, in many industries, such as power, chemical and other industries, from condenser and other equipment in the discharge of hot water cooling, cooling tower cooling cycle. In particular, the shell and tube condenser in the refrigeration system of brine unit needs a lot of cooling water.
The cooling principle of cooling tower has two aspects: one is with part of the water in the cooling tower and the latent heat absorption type transpiration transpiration water cooling, on the other hand, when the water temperature is higher than the air temperature, the cooling water heat touch. Obviously, the transpiration time of water in the air is carried out, and it is not restricted by geographical location. The touch heat conduction can only be carried out when the temperature is low, the temperature may be higher than the water temperature in summer high temperatures and water can not be directly cooled.
In order to promote the effective cooling of the water in the cooling tower, cooling water is usually sprayed into a mixture of drip, film, or a bit of film. The air is often accelerated by the fan and passes through the cooling water in a counter current, cross flow, and so on.
Although the cooling tower in the summer period can not be reduced to the temperature required by the user, but if the use of supporting the use of salt water units, the temperature can be controlled at 3 to 35 degrees C, perhaps below zero temperature. For users with low temperature requirements, it is possible to turn off the brine unit in the winter, just open the cooling tower to cool down to the desired temperature.


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联系人:制冷部张明坦 186-5318-5971 158-0686-9089 工程部万金风 135-8318-3828  

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